We believe that we have a responsibility to help achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. At Queen®, we continuously aim to grow greener and make our production chain more future friendly.
Global Goals 5 and 8
At Queen®, we proudly contribute to global goals 5 and 8, covering gender equality, decent work and economic growth. In Vietnam and Turkey, we give rise to employment and financial progress locally by creating decent and fulfilling jobs for men and women. Both domestically and internationally, we empower and ensure women’s full participation in the job market, leadership and decision-making. In Turkey, most of our employees are women; in Vietnam, women represent 50% of the management group. Over the years, more and more steps have been taken towards improved living and working conditions. We are responsible for reducing poverty, ensuring labour rights, equal salary payments, education, meals, transportation to and from work Etc.
Global Goals 12 and 15
At Queen®, sustainability and business go hand in hand. We had had a tradition of prioritising the environment for three generations, even before sustainability and recycling were common practices. We continuously aim to grow greener and make our production chain more future friendly. It comes naturally to focus on and prioritise global goals 12 and 15, covering responsible consumption and production as well as the protection and restoration of terrestrial ecosystems. We are strategically working on reducing our ecological footprint by changing how we produce and consume resources daily and long term.